

I wasn't the only one up all night where I live watching the last presidential US election. I wanted to see history being made. And I wanted to be sure history would be made. I think I only caught the news that bush had beaten gore the morning after. So though Obama was leading McCain in all polls, I was going to make sure the projections were right and would only go to bed when I knew it was over, so I twittered the night away - posts on the blog below - with a glass of wine by my side. you know, wine is sort of like that greek's river - damn, forgot his presocratic name. anyway, the glass doesn't change, but at every sip you are a different person...hehe

it was worth it. a black man elected, the most horrible US presidency (at least in my lifetime) over, a chance for the US to ammend its ways - and that's important for all of us, not only the States - and maybe a high point similar to the one that Hunter S. Thompson saw looking back in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

I mean, is there any chance that things will get better than it was that night, when Obama's victory was confirmed? No matter how good a president he turns out to be, I fear that it's all downhill from that election night, though I hope it was wrong. Maybes skeptical, but that doesn't mean we are doomed. Its just that that night was fantasy, the end of the hollywood movie, heroes walking towards the sunset. but there's alwayst the next day they don't show in the movies. not until the sequel. hope there's one with obama 2.

Um comentário:

  1. Fala, Lucas!
    Parabéns pelo blog! Muito maneiro! Adorei o nome (não li nada porque tava escrito lá que era para não ler, ok? :))
    Já te linkei no meu e valeu por me linkar no seu!

    Abração, compadre!
